February 01, 2009

It snowed a lot today. January 28th

My camera broke today. I don't know why and how, but it doesn't work anymore as it used to do. This sucks. I want it to work, I need it to work. I can not afford a new one. The wrong things always happen at the wrong time

These are the last pictures I took with my Yashica. Good night, my love, sleep well

Ragna in the car, somewhere 1 1/2 hours outisde of Reykjavík, January 2009

Laura, we spent all the day in the cold only in sweaters, January 2009

Swans and gooses, Tjörnin, Reykjavík, January 2009


eva said...

Mein tiefstes Beileid, lieber Malte.. möge deine Kamera bald genesen. Dieser Wunsch ist selbstverständlich nicht ganz uneigennützig - ich möchte mich weiterhin an deinen Arbeiten erfreuen können. Die Schwäne sind großartig, finde ich. ICh hoffe, dir selbst geht es gut!

Supertrooper said...

rest in peace

Kiwitz said...

i absolutely love this post.

hello my friend :)