March 09, 2009

Hvalfjordur, Ísland, February 2009

The last two months passed by so quickly. I still wonder if this is good or bad, at least I don't feel bad. It is still hard to get up early in the morning for icelandic classes and it is still great to have a good cup of hot chocolate at Hjomalind. Work is still kind of exciting and relaxing, and the view (look!) from my balcony is still wonderful. I still miss Berlin and my friends and my family and everything, but I get along here with mostly everyone quite well

I try to go out photographing as much as possible. This country has some beautiful spots. I still don't have a new 35mm. I shoot a lot with my old medium format. Though sometimes I wish I could afford some equipment that actually works, that you can rely on. Sometimes the film transfer fucks up on my Kiev. I haven't figured out yet why. The photograph above is the result of such an event

The guys from asked me to do an interview and you can read it here (###), though I am not really that interesting. They said as a featured artist my photographs will also appear on the main site and in the newsletter, but I haven't seen it there yet. If you do, please let me know

It's slowly getting spring here in Iceland, I think. It's still windy and cold but at least the sun is getting up way earlier than before. The last days have been so sunny. You really learn to apprechiate the sun here


Kiwitz said...

that is the view from your window? pf... awsome..

i like reading your blog cause it seems we have waaay too different lifes, and i like that.

hello friend :)

maltecornelius said...

Yapp, it's an 180° shot from my balcony. You're always welcome to check it out in real life

amerhadiazmi said...

Hi Malte

You wrote on my blog about the Zenit right? Sorry bout the late reply. Internet is a bit flaky. Sorry too for replying it here. Heh

Anywho, great to hear about you getting a Zenit E. Haha.. Yeah, it takes quite some time to figure out how the camera works. Once you get over all that, it's not really that hard actually.

Here's a few sites that might help:

Or you could try joining one of the many Zenit groups on Flickr. Those helps a lot too.
