May 04, 2009

David Lynch, Reykjavik, Iceland, May 2nd 2009

So we went to see Mr. David Lynch this saturday. Needless to say he is one of the most fascinating artists of our time. I admire his work for many years. I never thought I could ever meet or even see him in person in my life. But I did and I feel so honored

He had this press conferance here in Reykjavík. Just a few people including the television channels and reporters appeared. Albert, Eva and me were there too of course. He talked a lot about that Transcendental Meditation Program. I was not interested in it at all, but it was indeed interesting listening to him

After the short conferance he was outside having a cigarette. I walked up to him - I was so incredibly nervous - and asked him kindly for a photograph. He was very friendly and so cool, he said "Sure thing!". After I took his portrait he was just saying "You got it!". It was amazing. I thanked him kindly and allowed myself to tell him how much his work fascinates me. He is so awesome

Thanks to Stuart who developed the film for me, the photograph turned out very well and we made a big A3 print later which is now beautifully covering my wall at home


Kiwitz said...

you meet him? :o
you took that picture? :o

i would love to buy you a print of this picture!

anne said...

hurra hurra!!!

silber said...

Cool thing!

eva said...

Na, das ist ja ein Ding.
Ich würde sagen, das übertrifft sogar die Kamele. Und ja, "Sure thing" ist vermutlich die coolste Antwort, die ein Mensch hätte geben können.

perasymanzanas said...

im fascinated about him, i love his work, and i will probably be same as nervous, what a great portrait!


lea said...

this is such a great shot/portrait of him. congratulations! must have been a great experience meeting him in person - i'm a huge fan myself.

came across here via kiwitz - a very nice blog you have.