June 19, 2009

Þorbjörg, Reykjavík, June 2009

Summer is the brightest darkest of all seasons

Summer has finally arrived here and it is nice and sunny and warm, and there is always a cool breeze from the ocean right next to you. I am quite busy with being a photographer now. As I told you before, I am taking photographs of the Street Theatre Project but also I am working on new portraits

Also it is quite hard to find a good night sleep since the sun doesn't really set here anymore. You really lose the feeling for time. I have a huge dark curtain for my huge window but I still haven't managed to put it up yet and I will probably never do it. I went to Snæfellsness last weekend which is a beautiful area here on the west coast. Plus, Stuart let me borrow his Hasselblad camera and I enjoy using it. I have lots of new photographs, but I am too lazy to post them all. I am thinking about getting a real website for that stuff soon, should I? Besides that there is not much to tell. But I promise I will get back to you with more greater news soon

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